I leave tomorrow night (at 11:30 pm) to go to San Luis Potosi. It is a 6 hours drive and I'm going with Tec(the school.) There are lots of huge waterfalls where they are known for jumping and caves and castles in the jungles. I think its going to be very outdoorsy. However, this week is rainy week and if it rains, we wont be able to do all the stuff because it gets very dangerous- so we are hoping for no rain! I will come back late night/early morning on sunday, just in time for a few hours of sleep before going to class on monday...
Got coffee with one of my professors today and talked about traveling. After exams, I plan to travel south mexico for 10-14 days. We will start in Mexico city, and work our way south- spending 4 days in Mexico City, 3 days in Oaxaca, and 4 days in Chiapas- more or less. But Im still working on that. I also am trying to figure out what to do for independence day and day of the dead. There is a group from Tec going to San Miguel de Allende for Independence day but I don't know if Im going to go with them. Im the most excited about day of the dead! I wish I could go to Oaxaca, but its too far, so I'm thinking Zacatecas. These are all the places I really want to go!
I will write when I get back on monday or so.
I have two presentations tomorrow. I am SOOOO tired of presentations and group work. I have had one short essay this entire time, and Im on presentation number 8 or something crazy like that! This whole country is about group work....kill me.
Anyways, I think my stomach parasite/bug is going away. Still comes to haunt me everyday, but not as bad as before!
Thats all for now. Got to get up at 6:30am and I still have to research for my presentation at 8:30.